100 Sports in English and Spanish: The Ultimate Bilingual Guide
100 Sports in English and Spanish: The Ultimate Bilingual Guide
When it comes to sports, there are many that have names derived from the English language. Some sports have the same name in both English and Spanish, such as hockey, while others have slight modifications in their spelling in Spanish, like vóleibol (volleyball). Additionally, some sports have completely different names in both languages, like esgrima (fencing) for the English alphabet sport called fencing.
In this ultimate bilingual guide, we will explore 100 sports in English and Spanish, providing you with a comprehensive list to expand your vocabulary and knowledge in both languages. Let's dive in!
Sports with Similar Names in English and Spanish
- Hockey - Hockey
- Baseball - Béisbol
- Tennis - Tenis
- Football - Fútbol
- Boxing - Boxeo
- Swimming - Natación
- Basketball - Baloncesto
- Golf - Golf
- Surfing - Surfeo
- Wrestling - Lucha
- Chess - Ajedrez
Sports with Modified Names in Spanish
- Volleyball - Vóleibol
- Snorkeling - Esnórquel
- Curling - Curling
- Atletismo - Athletics
- Competencia de navegación - Sailing competition
- Alto salto - High jump
Sports with Different Names in English and Spanish
- Rugby - Rugby
- Luge - Luge
- Baseball - Béisbol
- Hockey - Hockey
- Ajedrez - Chess
- Baseball - Baseball
It's important to note that some words in Spanish that come from other languages, including English, are called "extranjerismos" or loanwords. When they specifically come from the English language, they are referred to as "anglicismos". This is why we see slight modifications or completely different names for certain sports in Spanish.
Now, let's take a look at some example sentences using sports vocabulary in English and Spanish:
- The high jump is one of the most challenging sports to practice. - El salto en alto es uno de los deportes más difíciles para practicar.
- Luge is a very dangerous sport. - El luge es un deporte muy peligroso.
As you can see, even though the names of the sports may differ, the meaning remains the same in both languages.
Now, let's test your knowledge with an interactive quiz! Can you match the English sports with their Spanish translations? Click on the link below to get started:
Take the Sports Quiz!
Remember, learning sports vocabulary in both English and Spanish can be fun and rewarding. Whether you're a sports enthusiast or simply looking to expand your language skills, this ultimate bilingual guide is here to help you on your journey. Happy learning!
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